About Our Ministry
Excellence International is a Multi-Racial Family Church driven to help families excel in every area of their life! We are committed to raising the standard of Excellence in all believers so that they can rightly reflect the true image of Jesus Christ to the world! EIM is a solid faith building Word based Church with its foundational teachings revolving around the Trinity being God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son and The Holy Spirit. We believe in and practice the biblical teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. Every vision requires a Dream Team, that has your heart beat in order to accomplish the fulfilment of the Vision! Our Dream Team is our God Team, because of their faithfulness and loyalty in helping us accelerate towards the vision that God has given this Ministry New Here?PartnerWho We Are
Our Team & Leadership

Dr. Vivian Rodgers
Senior Pastor
For almost two decades Dr. Viv has been a sought after conference speaker who has travelled locally and internationally teaching and developing Business People, Leaders, Corporate Organizations and Churches on the skills needed to remain on the cutting edge of Excellence. He has authored a number of books and training manuals that are endorsed by some of the leading names in leadership. He comes highly recommended as one of the cutting edge experts in the arena of Leadership and Business Excellence.

Dr. Charmaine Rodgers
Senior Pastor
Our Beliefs & Values
Dr. Vivian and his wife Dr. Charmaine are the Senior Pastors of Excellence International in Randburg, Johannesburg. They are both Certified Life Coaches and profound teachers of the Word of God with a passion for Excellence and a heart for building up and thrusting people into their destiny.
For almost two decades Dr. Viv has been a sought after conference speaker who has travelled locally and internationally teaching and developing Business People, Leaders, Corporate Organizations and Churches on the skills needed to remain on the cutting edge of Excellence. He has authored a number of books and training manuals that are endorsed by some of the leading names in leadership. He comes highly recommended as one of the cutting edge experts in the arena of Leadership and Business Excellence. Dr. Vivian is also the President and Dean of Destiny College International, an Internationally Accredited Leadership School which has been established for over 20 years in Florida USA by Dr Keith Johnson who is the Founder and Chancellor, also known as Americas No. 1 Confidence Coach.
Dr.Viv has an earned Doctorate in Ministry and a PhD in Leadership, while Dr. Charmaine has an earned Doctorate in Ministry
Excellence International Ministries (EIM) is a Word-based Faith-building Multi-racial Family Church, with a passion to see families excel in every area of their lives. Our Senior Pastors, Dr. Vivian and his wife Dr. Charmaine is a multi-racial couple who have been married for 12 years with two adorable miracle children.
Gods Amazing Grace…
After being married for almost 18 years to his first wife, he had to deal with her sudden passing. During their years together they had to deal with the loss of a still-born baby and eleven miscarriages. Three years after her death, Dr. Viv met his beautiful new wife Dr. Charmaine and eight months later they were married. His testimony of Gods amazing grace tells the story of a brand new beginning that started to unfold every prophecy that was given to him and his first wife. From business to ministry, from the heartache of losing the first wife to a new bride who is a reflection of Gods amazing grace and finally to the promised children… God had always been there! Every prophetic word in his first marriage was fulfilled with his beautiful new bride in the second marriage. Gods Word Never Fails!
Building God Dreams…
Excellence International is a dynamic family church located at 387 Main Avenue, Ferndale – Randburg. We strongly believe on teaching faith building messages based on Biblical Kingdom Principles that drive individuals towards their destiny. Our exciting children’s ministry, TEMA (The Excellence Mentoring Academy) is structured around mentoring our children to grow in the Word and develop leadership skills that will thrust them into becoming great leaders of the generations to come. We have a passion to raise up leaders of Excellence, Integrity and Godly Character and it all begins with our children who can be trained to be highly skilled through the local church in order to be groomed for a greater tomorrow!
Our dream teams are working diligently towards our vision of building Christian Educational Institute that will equip Pastors and Leaders with the necessary education and tools to go into the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Your Destiny Is Our Motivation…
At EIM we believe that every individual is destined for greater things than the generation that they were born into. God never makes mistakes! You could become the greatest breakthrough that your family need to break their cycle of defeat. The right voices will always help you get there faster. Every relationship has a voice, and the voice that you choose to listen to will determine the outcome of your future!
Cutting Edge Of Excellence…
Dr. Viv and Dr. Charmaine are authors and Certified Life and Business Coaches who focus on Excellence in Leadership and The Marketplace. Together they have authored their latest highly sought after book “Excellence in Marriage” that is filled with amazing truths that brings healing and joy on the road to recovery for married couples.
After been in business for over 10 years, Dr. Charmaine followed the call of God and joined her husband in full time ministry. She is a great teacher of the Word and speaks often at marriage seminars and women conferences. She is the main strategist behind “The Excellence Mentoring Academy” which is the children’s department of EIM.
Dr. Viv also serves as the President and Dean of Destiny College International which is an internationally accredited Bible College with modules from some of the most respected Christian leaders worldwide. For over two decades he has travelled locally and internationally preaching the Gospel and teaching powerful cutting edge Principles from the Word of God. His deep passion for raising up authentic leaders of Excellence both in the body of Christ and the marketplace, has driven him to author books and training manuals that are endorsed by major leading names in leadership today. He comes highly recommended as one of the cutting edge experts in the arena of “Leadership & Business Excellence.”
“The Greatness Of A Man Is Not Revealed By His Academic Accolades… But By His Willingness To Walk In Love And Humility Before Man… In Order To Fulfil The Requirements Of Heaven!” (Dr. Vivian Rodgers)